Our team is our greatest asset at Boyd Metals. We've mentioned it in articles recently, and still believe that it should be a high priority to invest in your team. That doesn't just apply to the managers either. The culture of your company will begin to thrive when employees at every level choose to invest in the lives of their co-workers.
Maybe this is just a good reminder, or maybe you're being exposed to this idea for the first time. Either way, we've compiled a quick list of TedTalks that will give good direction. Enjoy!
1. Manage your Stress

For example, when entering stressful situations, our heart rate rises and we sometimes begin to sweat. Instead of feeling like the pressure is too much to handle, we should view the response as our body's way of preparing to defeat the battles of our day. Find out the secrets Kelly has to share for effectively managing and defeating stress.
2. Inspire Others
Simon Sinek, an expert in leadership, explains the “golden circle” approach in which many great leaders think, communicate and act. This pattern of acting from the inside out explains why some individuals are better able to inspire and encourage those around them. This approach starts with the WHY. Along with understanding the reason behind the work you do comes a sense of purpose.
You’ll learn to recognize the value you add and understand how you are a key player in the company story. Discover the method to Sinek’s “golden circle” madness and begin encouraging others around you to find their purpose.
3. Be More Productive
When the to-do list seems unending, sometimes it feels like enough to cross off only those tasks we’ve laid out for ourselves. We set expectations for ourselves based on what we think we are capable of completing, and tend to stop there. We scramble to finish what needs to be accomplished, and once completed, there is an overwhelming sense of happiness. What if we reversed that formula and found out that increasing our happiness first would lead to more productivity in our lives? Instead of listing out what we think we can do and avoiding those we can’t, what if we changed our lens of reality and learned to adapt our style of work?
Also, check out our blog on how you can be freakishly productive this week.
The truth is when we believe we can do something… we are correct. In the same fashion, when we believe we cannot do something, we are also correct. The key to being more productive may be learning how to work backward and not limit ourselves by what reality tells us we can and cannot do.
4. Adjust your Attitude
Body language is one of the clearest ways we communicate our attitude to others. We show off our thoughts, feelings or judgements by a simple cross of the arms or posture change. These actions can hold a lot of meaning and in some situations be the deciding factor for major decisions. For example, imagine a prospective customer walks into your store looking for a highly conductive piece of metal.
You have a choice: smile, welcome them and proceed to help them find what they are looking for. Or, you could stay behind the desk with arms crossed and ask them a series of questions until you identify what exactly they’re looking for. You may think both actions are helpful for the customer, but they may look elsewhere if your body language makes them feel unwelcome or like a burden.
The best part about our attitude is that we are in control of it. While we can’t decide WHAT happens, we can always control how we react. Find out what tips Amy Cuddy has to begin understanding your current attitude and learn helpful tips on how to adjust for optimal results.