Here are 2 important considerations to review before you attempt to source uncommon metals on your own:
Loss of Time
No one wants to waste time on the internet and the phone tracking down a hard-to-find metal. It can be even more frustrating when you find a source only to be informed they are not currently stocking the treasure you seek or that you have to endure a long, arduous credit approval process before the material can ship! At Boyd Metals, we love a challenge and we're one phone call away. If you're in need of uncommon metals, know that we are a reliable partner with a vast array of resources at our disposal. We can and will go the extra mile for clients and will handle the details.Quality of Product
As mentioned above, the demand for uncommon metals is increasing. Your specs may call for grade or properties in order to improve the material’s performance through the manufacturing process. Some of our clients require certain metals with heat processes which allow the metal to deform, but not to fail. These unique specs may provide an end product that can be stretched, bent and molded without losing its original characteristics. Whatever the need is, Boyd Metals stands by the quality of our products and have experts who can understand your particular industry to ensure you get a quality product for a fair price. Being able to rely on our expertise means we'll understand how to source your product so that it may function as you need it to.Our team is ready to help you source anything and everything you need in metal! Your local representative will be happy to meet with you and review your needs and specs. Got questions about hard-to-find metals? Just give us a call at any of our four locations.