
Keep your Conversion Chart Handy

Boyd Metals

Can't remember the decimal of 57/64? You're not the only one. At Boyd Metals we are committed to providing you with the tools you need to work smarter, not harder. One resource that is certain to save you time and lessen arithmetic mistakes is our Decimal to Fraction Conversion Chart.

How It Works

Utilizing this conversion chart is simple. All you need to do is download the chart, store it on your desktop, or print it out to hang around the shop. The next time you're reaching toward your calculator to determine the .46875 conversion of decimal to fraction, instead try using this all in one, easy-to-read, conversion chart. You'll be amazed at how easy it can be!

Download your FREE copy of the
Decimal to Fraction Conversion Chart!

Time is Money

We all have busy schedules and deadlines to meet. When you have a large number of conversions to calculate, why waste time crunching numbers when you could quickly reference your handy conversion chart?

Just think of all the things you could be doing instead! For example, spending time with customers to clear up any questions they may have or helping them place new orders, keeping the shop clean, or working ahead to build sales. Your time is precious, spend it wisely.

Make Fewer Mistakes

We are human. Mistakes are inevitable.

While it’s important to acknowledge your mistakes and correct them, it’s also important to learn and not make the same mistake twice. When working with exact decimals and fractions, especially when thousandth's of an inch matter, it's easy for something to go wrong.

Decrease your dimension mishaps by double checking yourself with this conversion chart.

Tags: Insider Tips, Industry Knowledge